Bachelor of Actuarial Science (Honours)

Universidad de Bond

Tipo de institución: Universidad/Institución de Educación Superior
Nivel: Graduado
CRICOS: 00017B

The amount of data available to corporations is expanding rapidly and requires trained professionals to analyse this data and provide business insights. A Bachelor of Actuarial Science (Honours) will develop your skills for crunching numbers to create practical solutions for real-world problems. An integral part of the program is the development of research skills and actuarial judgement through the Actuarial Control Cycle subjects and the Actuarial Research Thesis subject. Completing a Bachelor of Actuarial Science (Honours) allows students with an Actuarial Science degree to further develop their technical skills and learn how they can be best used within a broader business and economic setting. You will also have the opportunity to complete the university-based component of Part II (Actuary program) accreditation and receive a qualification with the Actuaries Institute and the designation of Actuary. Full Part II (Actuary program) accreditation requires the completion of two subjects which are only delivered by the Actuaries Institute in an online environment.

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